Star Wars: The Acolyte – Episode 4 Review

By Ben Wright (@iamzavagno |

This review contains spoilers.

This week’s episode of The Acolyte kicks off on Khofar, where Qimir and Mae are on the trail of Master Kelnacca. Given the familiar setting and hints from the trailer, it was clear this episode would be action-packed—and it certainly delivered!

Meanwhile, on Coruscant, the Jedi strategise their next move, with Sol visibly bored by the discussions. There are subtle but noticeable tensions among the Jedi, suggesting these fractures will deepen as the mystery unravels. Sol’s decision to include Osha in the mission is clever, especially since Osha is reluctant to pursue her sister’s path, insisting it’s the Jedi’s problem. Equipped with their fury tracker Bazil, the Jedi team ventures into Khofar’s forest in search of Kelnacca. The planet’s resemblance to Kashyyyk explains why Kelnacca feels at home there—giant killer insects included! Mae’s desire to turn herself in out of loyalty to her sister was an unexpected and intriguing twist. Their one-on-one interactions should be further explored. The show continues to defy expectations.

Upon Mae’s arrival at Master Kelnacca’s hideout, she discovers him dead, killed by a lightsaber. The Jedi, led by Sol, arrive only to be confronted by a mysterious Sith figure who quickly overpowers Mae. As the Jedi charge, the episode abruptly ends. This cliffhanger, while effective, is somewhat frustrating due to the episode’s short runtime—the shortest so far. Although I understand the strategic cliffhanger, it might not sit well with viewers already on the fence.

I have my theories about “The Master”- I suspect it’s actually an apprentice, possibly Qimir. There have been subtle hints in previous episodes: quoting the Sith code and easily disarming Mae despite his rogue persona. He was already on the planet and could have reached Kelnacca first. But, I could be wrong…

While still enjoying The Acolyte, this felt like the weakest episode so far, mainly due to missed opportunities. I’m eager to see a live-action Wookiee Jedi wielding a lightsaber, and now that seems possible only through flashbacks. Kelnacca feels underutilsed. The reduced runtime and cliffhanger were also a little disappointing – mainly because I wanted more. Episode Five needs to dive straight into the action on Khofar; another flashback episode could be a misstep. However, this is only episode four, and the overall story remains engaging, so I remind myself to “trust the process.”

This episode didn’t delve deeply into specific themes, but the uncertainty among the Jedi is an intriguing plot point. Sol’s promise to discuss more with Osha hints that the incident on Brendok was more than just a fire, especially with Master Vernestra keen to handle it internally, without involving the High Council. There’s plenty of mystery left to uncover!

Despite the short runtime, this episode offered significant character development and unexpected twists, adding to the intrigue of The Acolyte’s direction. Another enjoyable journey through the Star Wars universe, ending with a tantalising yet slightly frustrating cliffhanger.

One reply to “Star Wars: The Acolyte – Episode 4 Review

  1. I agree that the episode was much too short and to me, there were too many twists to get proper emotional payoff, which is the part of the SW world I love the most. The forests of Khofar are compelling and it would have been nice to have the journey to Kelnacca take just a little longer so that more of Mae’s catharsis could be revealed…I know there will be more flashbacks also, to build the intensity but it feels like some of these characters might not get proper mourning until the end, because we don’t know them well at their deaths.


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