Star Wars: The Acolyte – Episode 3 Review

By Ben Wright (@iamzavagno |

This review contains spoilers.

After last week’s enjoyable double-episode release, The Acolyte returns with its best episode!

In this week’s instalment, we get our first real look at Brendok. The colourful and vibrant nature aesthetic was stunning. This was further enhanced by the mix of burgundy and brown outfits, which emphasised the colour contrast beautifully. The story delves into Osha and Mae’s past, 16 years ago, exploring their coven and introducing Jodie Turner-Smith as Mother Aniseya. Turner-Smith’s performance was incredible, and her approach to the role was thoroughly enjoyable.

Being a flashback episode, Carrie-Anne Moss (Indara) made a welcome return. I was thrilled to see her again after her departure in the opening act of the first episode. Moss was fantastic, and I still hope there is more story to tell with her character. Lee Jung-jae (Sol) was as charming as ever. Despite the Jedi’s superiority and slight arrogance, Sol remains an incredibly likeable character.

The episode’s pacing was a testament to the writing, further enhanced by the excellent cast performances. The conflict between Osha and Mae, the coven, and the Jedi made for fascinating storytelling. Despite the phrase “always one,” these characters are vastly different, and I’m curious to see how this will affect the present storyline. I also have a lingering suspicion, based on what Master Torbin previously said, that there’s more to the fall of the coven than just “a fire”. Something more sinister lurks in the past. Hopefully, this thread will develop further. The tension built perfectly throughout the episode, culminating in a satisfying and climactic conclusion – it was wonderful storytelling.

As striking as the visuals and powerful performances were, I especially loved the music, particularly during the initiation ceremony. The blend of Nordic and Arabic influences created a fascinating score that heightened the impact of the storytelling and performances.

In conclusion, this was an incredible episode of Star Wars storytelling. Visually stunning and wonderfully performed, it added depth and context to Osha and Mae’s characters – something I hope will continue in the present narrative.

One reply to “Star Wars: The Acolyte – Episode 3 Review

  1. I admire the way that Osha advocated for a life separate from Mae’s and ultimately separate from the coven. It’s courageous to have examined herself at such a young age, questioned the intended path for her life and ultimately seek her own way forward.


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