Cleanin’ Up the Town: Remembering Ghostbusters


By Jim Bennett (@FulcrumForce) |

Cleanin’ Up the Town: Remembering Ghostbusters
Director: Anthony Bueno
Producers: Anthony Bueno, Claire Bueno

On Monday the 6th January I went to one of my favourite Cinemas in central London, the Prince Charles to watch a documentary that I’ve been looking forward to for a long time!

This whole project is very close to my heart, I was a Kickstarter backer all the way back at the beginning in 2014 and I’ve interviewed Anthony and Claire a few times. The first thing you get to know about these guys is just how passionate they are about this project, Anthony is a huge Ghostbusters fan along with being a very talented director and Claire has so much drive it’s contagious! Together they are a force of nature, they make an amazing team and quite possibly two of the nicest people I have ever met. Behind the two ‘faces’ of the documentary, there is a massive crew of really talented people!

The screening I went to was the first screening of the definitive two-hour cut, I just had to see it in all its glory and being on the big screen just made it better, if there is one word that this film screams its Love, the love of the material, the love of the project, the love of everything that went into making this film just oozes from the screen. But how about the film itself, it’s been 8 years in the making, does it live up to the amount of time and energy that went into it? Simply put YES, a thousand times YES, the interviews with the cast and crew are incredible they all talk about the film with so much joy and love. Almost the entire cast is interviewed (with one obvious exception, we’re looking at you Bill!) but for me, the highlights have to be Sigourney Weaver and the late great Harold Ramis, which genuinely brought a tear to my eye.

Now I thought l knew a lot about the making of Ghostbusters but there is so much I had no idea about and that’s the beauty of this documentary, it’s not just about the actors and their journey with the film, but the crew, the producers, the puppeteers, the designers, the special effects guys, it just has everything and is just amazing to watch.

I would say if you like Ghostbusters and let’s be honest who doesn’t?? You need to see this film, find a screening close to you and go check it out, its an amazing companion piece to the 1984 classic.

This is not just a Ghostbusters Documentary, it’s THE Ghostbusters Documentary!!

For more info visit the official website, Twitter or Facebook

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